Northumbrian green

In the interests of getting something published here after another multi-month absence, here’s a simple detail from a scouting trip in Northumberland back in 2017.
I’ve previously shared two other images from this day: Northumbrian textures and West Wood, Harbottle.
The image shared today is one of the very last I took before making my very-tired way back to the car. By this point, I’d got myself lost in a large forest with undergrowth up to my armpits; climbed a wall and dropped into a ditch on the other side to get myself out; found the location I was originally looking for and again struggled through thick heather to find compositions (like an idiot) and was just about to eventually return myself to an actual path.
Looking back at my processing of this image now, the foreground is far too dark on a normal screen and so a quick lightening of the shadows helps things out a little.
I could certainly spend more time going back on a ‘redux’ processing of this photo but that would get in the way of actually publishing something, so here it is!