Adam Perfect


The City

Fujifilm GFX 50S, 63.0mm, 1/450s, f/11.0, ISO 400

A quick one today from my increasingly-regular lunchtime walk over the river to Tate Modern, this time looking back towards the City.

I've been using this walk a lot both to just get out and shoot, but also to test different camera and lens combinations with a (relatively) consistent subject matter. This time, I had the Fuji GFX 50S with 63mm f/2.8 and, as often for these street walks, was shooting with the Acros+Y black and white film simulation on the viewfinder.

The light playing over the buildings really works in B&W, so I processed the raw file in the same Acros simulation as a base and then applied a mild tone curve and made some adjustments to blacks, whites, highlights and shadows; I also added a very small amount of clarity (+6 in Lightroom) to help with edge contrast as I was trying to find the right balance of not having an overall-too-contrasty image but wanting a bit of punch in there too to convey the crispness of the light on the day.

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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