Foggy Greenwich Park

Our son has been quite unwell for the past few days which has been heartbreaking to watch, although it's nothing serious—just a nasty virus. Today he was feeling a bit better so I drove him the 5 minutes from our house to Greenwich Park and took him for a bit of a wander round the park. He enjoyed seeing the ducks and the deer and had a quick kick around in all the fallen autumn leaves.
I did take a camera with me—indeed, I took my original Fuji X100 for a little outing—but I was more focused on Alex and am not expecting any particularly great images once I process them. Anyway, we've been over to Greenwich Park a lot recently so I thought I'd share this photograph from 2011 (interestingly the year I bought the X100), taken on my old Canon 5D Mark II during a densely foggy day.