The pavilion, Leeds Castle

It's been three months since I’ve published anything here, thanks to a mix of Christmas/New Year and more-pertinently that my wife and I have been preparing for both the arrival of our second child as well as planning a major move, from London up to the North East. As such, I thought I'd ease myself back in with a relatively straightforward photograph I took this past weekend at Leeds Castle.
I've visited Leeds Castle (which, for those unaware, is in Kent and nowhere near Leeds) four or five times while I've lived in London and we decided to get one last family visit in before moving north. While far from the purpose of the trip, I decided to lug along my Fujifilm GFX 50S and the outstanding GF 100-200mm f/5.6.
The weather wasn't inspiring—strong winds and the occasional rain shower, plus a couple of quick hailstorms—but the changeable conditions did provide the odd interesting scene to take a snap of and I was just keen on a pretty relaxed, lightweight test of the 100-200 lens.
This photograph of the pavilion and some of the surrounding trees was taken as we waited for the little land train to arrive and ferry us back to the car park. There'd been a downpour and everyone was huddled under a shelter so I went for a little wander and took this as a 4-frame panorama, hand-held. I liked the copse of trees to the right, and the old pavilion itself nestled on the far left. The lawn in the foreground gives enough breathing room and the curve of the planted border acts as a nice leading line to still point in at the pavilion as the central subject.
There was just a hint of light on the handful of silver birch close to the pavilion to provide some extra interest and the rest of the trees sitting in shade I think helps to prevent the whole scene becoming too busy. Not a masterpiece, but I enjoy it and I'm absolutely loving the quality of image out of the GF 100-200mm f/5.6.