No. 1 Queen Street

With some work visitors in town this week, I was reminded of the really interesting building at 1 Queen Street.
Having been out for dinner in Newcastle last night, we headed down towards the river for a drink and ended up at The Bridge Tavern, where we all remarked on how cool that weird building sitting half-under the Tyne Bridge is.
My visitors had come across it the night before and it really is a stand-out sight architecturally in the city. As one of my visitors noted, they were surprised by the elevation changes in the city, leading to a number of impressive bridges and viaducts to be discovered.
Which reminded me of this photo I took of No. 1 Queen Street a couple of years ago, on a rare street photography wander around the city.
Also, a reminder to go back and frame it up a bit better next time, although I do like this image and particularly like the building: standing proud under the near-miss of the bridge.