Alnwick Gardens
Uploaded some pictures I took back in May at the Alnwick Garden and treehouse.
Uploaded some pictures I took back in May at the Alnwick Garden and treehouse.
I added a bucketload of new photos to my flickr gallery the other day. I'm still catching up on photos taken before I started putting them online. Included were the photos I took in Hong Kong...
The Optimus keyboard concept is quite simply stunning and if they can get it into production as promised, I'll be found scouring the backs of sofas for every penny in order to get one as it's bound...
My copy of the above-titled book arrived today, so I'll hopefully be able to properly get stuck into learning Ruby and Rails at last. With the little bits I've played around with so far, it does...
Longleat Originally uploaded by aperfect. I've added the first batch of photos taken at the Red Bull Air Race at Longleat last weekend.
Got a design sorted for this site at last. I quite like it, but that's to be expected.
The author Adam Perfect. Funny name eh? Background Born in Durham (North East of England) on 23rd May, 1983, I attended Dame Allan's Boys' School until finishing my A-Levels (who'd stay after ...
Shadows and Light Originally uploaded by aperfect. Found a cool picture of Max I'd taken last October with some nice lighting, so quickly made it black & white for effect and s...
Boom Originally uploaded by aperfect. Finally got 137 photos of Hong Kong added and ready for viewing.
Got back late last night from the Red Bull Air Race in Longleat. The racing was great and the maneuverability of the planes is insane. I took plenty of photos which will be added to the backlog ...