Adam Perfect


Weird search suggestion

As I've been playing with the MODx content management system over the past couple of days, I though I'd see what other WYSIWYG editors were available as plug-ins. First I searched for a Xinha plug-in and found one. Next I decided to look for a TinyMCE plug-in. The search results did find a plug-in for TinyMCE, but what caught my eye (and surprised me quite a bit) was at the top of the results, where it tries to suggest alternative spellings of your search criteria in case you mis-spelled it. I got: MODx strange search That's right, rather than my search of 'tinymce', the forum would like to know if I really wanted to search for 'titmice'. I have no idea how it comes up with its suggestions, but to suggest the plural form of an insect-eating bird with a very strange name caught me off guard to say the least (as did the discovery that it's a real word) :)

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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