Adam Perfect


PHP on Trax follow-up

Last month I mentioned a PHP framework based on David Heinemeier Hansson's Ruby on Rails, called PHP on Trax. PHP on Trax website screenshot At the time, it was quite early in development and not really ready for use, but I've kept a casual eye on it since as it could turn out to be very handy. It turns out I was keeping a particularly casual eye on it, as I failed to notice the site change to a more RoR-style layout and the publishing of a very basic demo app in the mould of RoR out-of-the-box apps. It's obviously still under development and I haven't delved too far back into it yet, but it's nice to see a bit of progress and as 'PHP on Trax' is the most popular search term for people finding this blog, I thought I'd do an update on it. Maybe I'll check back in another month and find it's taken over the world :)

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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