Adam Perfect


Nice touch

Browsing through the latest entries at CSS Mania this morning, I came across (thought titled Jabbering Giraffe when you get there). The menu down the right hand side of the page has a nice little touch, whereby each link has a little tick-box next to it. When a link has been visited, the box gets a red tick in it: Happy Giraffe menu tick-boxes This is obviously quite a simple thing to set up in the CSS, but works really well at marking links you've already visited. For general site links like those in the image above, it's perhaps more of a novelty as you're likely to already know of BBC News and visit more than once. For links to articles, or other pages you're only likely to visit once or twice however, it could be very handy. On a high content website where you aren't likely to remember every page you've visited but would rather avoid the ones you already have, the ticked/un-ticked styling could work much better as a quick-glance reference than just a purple link.

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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