Adam Perfect


Moving hosts

For the past year or so I've been hosting all my websites on a dedicated server from Beachcomber. They've been very good and I'd be more than happy to stay with them, but I took a look at what I was actually using and what I'm paying and the two just didn't match. The fact is, I don't need a server all to myself. It's been great being able to install whatever software I need, especially getting Ruby/Rails installed (and indeed Java for an online league system), but there are a few hosts nowadays that offer things like Ruby on Rails as part of their shared hosting packages. As a result, I've signed up with Site5. They're very big on Ruby and Rails - they now write just about all their systems in it - and they've been around a long time with a good reputation. They also offered a good shared package with a decent amount of disk space and plenty of bandwidth (as long as no more of my sites get chosen as UK mirror for a computer game demo!). This site should be moved over now (if you're reading this post then it is) and my others will be moved in the next week or two.

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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