Adam Perfect


Interface design success - WordPress login

I've been using WordPress on this site and a couple of others for quite a while now and something that pleases me every time I use it is the login page. The page's simplicity and clarity (not always one and the same) make it extremely obvious what you need to be doing and where, removing unnecessary clutter from the page - you don't see the actual application interface until you have successfull logged in. WordPress login box I'm sure plenty of people who have used WP will have already noticed this, it just struck me that it's still a pleasant entry to the application even having been using it for so long and that's something that's hard to do. The over-sized input boxes play a large part in helping to focus on the purpose of the page (logging in), while still having plenty of escape routes ("back to blog", "register" and "forgot your password?") available at the bottom of the box. There isn't any great point to this, just some well-earned kudos to WordPress :)

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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