Adam Perfect


Blood Bowl games on the way

Part of my life as a computer gamer involved running a site dedicated to the game Chaos League for a year or two, chaosleague|players (still running but not updated). Part of my much younger life was involved playing tabletop games such as Warhammer 40,000 and Blood Bowl. The two have just combined. The reason chaosleague|players died off was that the UK publisher went but and so support for the game disappeared. The developers also got sued by Games Workshop, who felt that Chaos League ripped ideas from Blood Bowl. They've now made friends, with the Chaos League property going to Games Workshop and a licence to develop a series of three Blood Bowl games heading in the other direction. It's nice to see them come to such a good agreement and aside from the iffy PR of GW suing Cyanide, it could work out very well for them both. Chaos League had massive potential and Cyanide is a great development studio, but the publisher backing wasn't there to allow them to evrything they wanted. Chaos League was also, in truth, the closest thing Blood Bowl fans had to an official Blood Bowl game (and a very good game it was too), so there was a ready (though under-exploited) market. The market bit was presumably what GW worried about and why they started legal proceedings. Now Games Workshop has a great developer working on Blood Bowl computer games with a good base of experience in the genre to start from, while Cyanide has official GW backing and should get more publisher support as a result. I have to admit I'm enthused by this and I'll be trying to get back in touch with Cyanide, who I had a good relationship with, to see if they can discuss any of their plans for the first game. I had been writing a full online league system for Chaos League's expansion pack just before Digital Jesters died, so it never came to fruition and I'd like the chance to do it again (in Rails this time I think!) for a game that's gonna have enough fan and publisher support to use it.

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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