Adam Perfect


Accessibility testing

Following various links multiple levels (and sites) down last night I came across a link to a new consortium, the Web Accessibility Tools Consortium (WAT-C), who are working on developing (surprise, surprise) a number of tools for monitoring the accessibility of web sites. There are only a couple done so far, but the readability test is pretty cool, providing an overview of the textual content of a web site and rating its ease of reading (or readability if you will). This site does pretty well, getting 74.56/100 on the Flesch Reading Ease test, though I'm not sure whether that means I'm just not writing very intelligent posts (probably the case as I've so far used this blog largely to post links to pictures). The readability test is quite useful though and is another handy tool in the arsenal of web developers in analyzing web sites to make sure they're both accessible and relevant to the target audience(s).

Written by Adam on

Adam is a Director of User Experience by day and photographer as time allows.

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