Adam Perfect

3 legged thing QR11- LG L-bracket

3 Legged Things universal L-bracket does what it sets out to do: be a solid L-bracket that can be used with just about any camera.

I’ve had mine attached to the Fujifilm GFX 50S for just over a year and, as with many good products, it mostly just gets out of the way. The side-load door for the battery on the 50S does mean I have to loosen the plate and extend it out every time I need a battery change, but it’s quick to do (I keep the 3LT tool on my keychain and have allen keys liberally spread across my camera bags) and the GFX batteries last quite a long time anyway.

Where I want an L-bracket but there isn’t a custom-fitted option available, or for a camera I’m not going to use enough to justify the price of a Kirk or RRS plate, the 3LT plates are great.

Oct 2018present

3 legged thing
QR11- LG L-bracket