Adam Perfect

A frustrating dalliance with a pure rangefinder

Leica M (Typ 240)

As with so many other photographers, I eventually had to give the Leica world a try. A visit to Red Dot Cameras got me a lovely black M 240 body and off I went to excitedly try it out on a walk home through the streets of London.

Over the course of a couple of weeks though, the camera frustrated me and I quickly sold it on again. I got a few lovely pictures but wasn’t used to rangefinder focusing and only had one rangefinder-coupled lens, the Voigtländer Nokton 50/1.5.

Ever since though, I’ve occasionally looked back at the few images I took and regretted selling so quickly. The colours and rendition could be lovely and maybe I needed to just persevere a little longer and not expect it to be a camera with a wide range of lenses—I have plenty of other for that!

Sample image

Here’s a sample image taken with the Leica M (Typ 240):

Leica Camera AG LEICA M (Typ 240), 50mm, 1/1999s at ƒ/1.7

Jul 2018Aug 2018

M (Typ 240)
Frames taken